The Business of Retail

Implementing Purpose (Trailer, 2:08 min)

Christine Cowan, David Ian Gray, George Minakakis, Gary Newbury, Craig Patterson

This is a sneak peak at Episode 21.  If you like it, please download the full discussion.

David Ian Gray  0:00  
As an alternative to simply not making any statement as a CEO, and backing away from this, you know, what is the the impetus for a CEO to actually take this more seriously?

George Minakakis  0:14  
Say nothing, do nothing if you can't do anything, because the "cancel culture" will get you. That is my that's my personal belief. What will happen to companies if they put something on the table, and they cannot deliver it.

David Ian Gray  0:30  
But I guess that's not what I'm framing. I'm framing "why aren't they putting something more substantive in play?" Is there a good reason not to?  Could be fiscal.  Or is there something that needs to get reframed? 

Gary Newbury  0:47  
David's gonna say some profound ...

David Labistour  0:51  
Just gonna say I don't agree with George because we, as at Nike, actually, we set out our goals, and we were public about them. And every year we stated our goals, and in our financial report, we had a combined report, we would state how we were doing against those goals. We were also attacked on many things. And we were criticized for doing many things that we said you know what, this is not material to our business and we're not taking it on. And again, that goes back to materiality with our impacts, both positive and negative are these things and we're going to focus on these things. And I think if you set goals and are transparent about them, if they are tightly integrated with your impacts and your materiality, you will not get cancelled. It's when you start stepping beyond that that the canceling happens.

Announcer  1:49  
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